97 Plymouth Voyager van - 2.4L - 4 cylinder - front wheel drive- with air conditioning - 251,000 miles on it - When taking off from a stop sign, engine won't accelerate no matter how far you push the gas pedal down until you push all the way down to the floor, then it will take off like a rocket, full speed. If you ease off the pedal the engine goes into the same state with no acceleration unless you push all the way down again, do that a couple times and it will then work fine no problems for a while as though a sensor or something has recalabrated . Replaced the timing belt, map sensor, and the throttle position sensor, so far for this problem, still has the same symtoms. Also have replaced the spark plugs, wires, coil, water pump and head gasket. Sometimes while driving you can feel a loss of power then power back and fourth rather quickly, then corrects itself. Other times it will run perfect with no problems. Seems like with a periotic problem it would be some sensor somewhere. Even with all the miles it has, it doesn't use a drop of oil and is real reliable except for this performance problem. I hope to be able to put another 50,000 miles on it at least. I've heard of them going even higher on this model. great vehicle. Can you help? thanks